We host multiple events weekly, below are our main events and when they are on, so check them out below. Events usually go one for 2-4 hours. Anyone who takes part in our events will be eligible to win Community Prizes. You must be a member in order to receive prizes. To take part in any of our events join our discord.

Monday Madness
Monday is Pure Madness. Play from a rotation of non-halo games to kick start the week for customs.
"But what night is it on?" Why Monday of course!
Hosted by: Mr Girthzilla & Salzilegend307
21:00 - GMT (London)
21:00 - BST (London)
Convert your timezone: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Infinite Wednesdays
Our mid-week event where everyone comes together via crossplay to blast what feels like "Infinite" customs on; well you guessed it. Halo Infinite!
Hosted by: Hosted by: Mr Girthzilla, Salzilegend307 & TheSkybax

21:00 - GMT (London)
21:00 - BST (London)
Convert your timezone: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Saturday Night Customs
Our Main Event!
The main event played on Halo MCC. Streamed on Twitch. Full of Randomness!
Hosted by: Mr Girthzilla & Salzilegend307